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Treatment of rectal prolapse in allahabad -


Treatment of Rectal Prolapse in Allahabad

What is Rectal Prolapse?

Circumferential descending down of mucosa or entire thickness of rectal wall outside the anal outlet is called Rectal Prolapse. The children and elderly people are common sufferer of the disease. The condition is said to be common in female than male. Patient feels unusual discomfort and  tolerate for many years or life long without any appropriate treatment.

Causes of Rectal Prolapse:

Prolapse in Children:

Commonly it occurs  in the first 2 years of life, rarely after five years. Generally the prolapse is

incomplete, but sometimes  it is complete. The common  etiological factor of prolapse in children is absence of sacral curvature. In malnutrition the rectal wall is poorly supported by pelvic structures.

Exiting factors are excessive  straining at stool as it occurs during attack of diarrhea, constipation, abuse of purgative and phimosis. Faulty  defecation habit where the child is left straining for long time at stool and chronic coughing is another important cause of prolapse.

Prolapse in Adults:

In majority of cases the prolapse is complete although in complete prolapse are also seen. The prolapse usually occurs with third grade of hemorrhoids. The disease is a common sequely to  hemorrhoidectomy.  

Symptoms of Rectal Prolapse:

Symptom of Rectal Prolapse in infants and children's

Protrusion of mass during defecation, which is replaced digitally, by mother of reduced automatically at the end of act. Under cloths are swilled with mucus or blood discharge. On palpation with fingers the prolapse consists of double layer of mucosal ring. Normally the prolapse mass majors 3-5 cms long from perianal skin.  

Symptom of Rectal Prolapse in Adults:

Patients view the history of prolapse of mass and anal orifice during defecation, which is reduced itself or by digital manipulation. In more advanced cases the prolapse occurs with sneezing, coughing, or walking and causes more discomfort to the patients. The under clothes are swilled with rectal discharge, which consists of mucus, blood and faeces from exposed surface of prolapse. The sphincteric impairment may lead to incontinence of  faeces and flatus. It is due to loss of tone of anal sphincter  with wide relaxation of anal canal.   

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