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Rectal abscess treatment in india -


Rectal Abscess Treatment in Allahabad

There are mainly three type of these Abscesses 

  • Pernianal
  • Ischiorectal
  • Pelvi-Rectal Abscesses 

Two other types are also seen

  • Sub mucus 
  • Fissure Abscess ( Associated with chronic fissure)

Pernianal Abscess - An cutely tender rounded cystic lump will be seen and felt by the side of anal verge below Hilton's Line this can be conveniently palpated with an index finger inside the anal canal and a thumb superficial to the swelling. This Abscess is less painful than the Ischiorectal Abscess as the skin can expand easily in this region.

Ischiorectal Abscess - Patient will complain of excruciative throbbing pain by the side of the anal canal. Inspection will reveal brawny oedematous swelling. It is very tender swelling with or without fluctualtion.  Once should not wait for fluctualtion to appear. By rectal examination once can feel the  tender swelling on one side of the rectum. This Abscess may travel to the opposite side posteriorly.

Pelvi-Rectal Abscesses: Clinically this abscess mimic the pelvic abscess  in may respects. This abscess  lies above the leveator ani but below the pelvic peritoneum. 

Sub Mucus and fissure absesses can be diagnosed by history and rectal examination. In any case of anoractal absesses  crohn's diseases must be eliminated. 

Rectal Abscess Treatment : 

Any kind Rectal Abscess can be efficiametly treated by Kshar Sutra Therapy only.

Kshar Sutra is the only therapy on this planate by which any kind of Abscess and fistula could be cured with success rate of 90% - 100% 








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