Ayurveda Consultant in Allahabad

Ayurvedic Doctor in Allahabad
Best Ayurvedic Doctor in Prayagraj – Allahabad

Ayurvedic Doctor in Prayagraj – Allahabad
Expert in treating following disorders:
Piles, Fistula, Fissure, Colitis, Ulcerative Colitis, Constipation, GAS, ACIDITY / HYPERACIDITY, GERD/NUD, IBS/IBD, Proctitis, Pilonidal Sinus, Sentinel Tag/Piles, Anal Abscess, Anal Stenosis, Rectal Polyps, Rectal Prolapse, Anal condyloma, Anal Papilla, Crohn’s,Rectal Abscess…

पेट एवं गुदा रोगों का सफलतम इलाज

हम सब आजकल अपने चरों तरफ लोगों को पेट के रोग जैसे कब्ज़गैसएसिडिटीकोलाइटिसIBS (आई.बी.एस.), अल्सरेटिव कोलाइटिस, पेट फूलना (अफरा ) एवं इन सब बिमारिओ की वजह से उलझन बेचैनी घबराहट चक्कर आना, सिरदर्द , उलटी लगना, मुँह में खट्टा पानी आना, नींद न आना अथवा अकेले में रहने का मन करना अथवा अकेले में रोने का मन करना से लेकर आत्महत्या तक के विचार आने लगते हैं और मरीज़ बेहद कमज़ोरी महसूस करने लगता है| और ज़्यादातर मरीज जो उपर्युक्त लक्षणों से ग्रस्त होते है वे अंततः गुदा रोगों से पीड़ित हो ही जाते हैं | हम आजकल अपने चारों  ओर कितने ही लोगों को गुदा रोगों जैसे बवासीरभगन्दरफिसरफोड़ापाइलोनायडल साइनसपोलिपपैपिला इत्यादि रोगों से ग्रस्त होकर आपस में चर्चा करते देखते हैं|

Evaluation of kshar sutra

Kshar sutra evaluated clinically in the department of Shalya Tantra, Institute of Medical Science, BHU Varanasi

S.no Types of kshar sutra Year of trial Merits Demerits
1 Snuhi Kshar sutra (21 coating) 1968 Good cutting of track and healing of wounds

Low recurrence

Difficulty in perennial collection and storage of snuhi latex

Highly hygroscopic in nature and coating peeled of easily

During application, breaks into multiple pieces forming beaded appearance and while applying in the fistulaus track, it causes undue mechanical trauma and pain

Moderate to severe pain and burning sensation while changing

2 Udumbar sutra

(11 coating)

1984 Easy to prepare

Minimal scarring

Good healing of wounds

Low recurrence rate

Significantly less pain and burning sensation

les s cutting rates compared to  snuhi/latex ksharsutra
3 Papaya kshar sutra

(13 coating, prepared from raw papaya juice / papain powder )

1984 Easy availability and storage of raw material

Less pain or burning sensation in patients

Proteolytic property of papain leads to faster cutting of track

Suitable for recurrent fistulae with fibrosis

Rate of cutting is faster than healing, leads to longer duration of treatment
4 Snuhi swarasa kshar sutra

(2 coating )

1984 Comparatively less pain during changing of thread Coating peeled of easily

Less shelf life

5 Yava kshar sutra 1990 Significantly less pain and burning

Faster cutting compared to standard snuhi latex kshar sutra

Non uniform (beaded) thread with stiff consistency

Mechanical trauma during application


For more details regarding kshar sutra  please click here

Do’s and Don’ts in Leucorrhoea

Shveta pradara (Leucorrhoea)
Pathya (Do’s) Apathya (Don’ts)
Cereals Wheat, barley, old rice
Pulses Masura, chickpea (chana) Black gram (udada)
Fruits & vegetables Paravala, bathua, chaulai, spinach, bottle gourd (lauki), papaya, apple, pomegranate, grapes, banana, amalaki, dry dates (chhuara), ginger (ardraka), coriander Onion, garlic, brinjal
Others Cow’s milk, goat’s milk, fresh buffalo’s ghee, cold substance Alcohol, pickle, vinegar, sour curd, sour substance, oil, jiggery, spicy food
Life style Day sleeping, night awakening, excessive exercise, fasting, eating before indigestion of previous food, walking in sunlight, sadness, excessive sexual indulgence

Do’s and Don’ts in Ashthila

Ashthila (BPH)
Pathya (Do’s) Apathya (Don’ts)
Cereals Old rice, special variety of rice (sanvaka) Newly harvested cereals
Pulses Green gram soup (mudga), kulattha Black gram (udada)
Fruits & vegetables Garlic, fruit and leaf of shigru, bitter gourd (karavellaka), patolapatra, leaf of punarnava
Others Ghee, oil Salty, pungent and acidic food substances, refined powder of cereals and pulses, sesame, jaggery, curd